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Taiwan Fiction and Postwar Urban Experience

臺灣文學研究所 陳榮彬


英文課程名稱:Taiwan Fiction and Postwar Urban Experience
學分數:3 學分
建立日期:2013 年 9 月


  第二組指定閱讀作業以五個不同主題來進行分類,包括:「都市與婚姻」、「都市與勞動」、「都市與政治」、「都市與眷村」以及「都市與消費」。第一個主題探討都市人婚姻中外遇與離婚的問題(李昂、朱天文與朱天心),第二個主題探討都市人的工作問題(楊青矗、袁瓊瓊與蕭颯),第三、第四個主題探討都市生活的政治面向,聚焦1987年解嚴後都市生活的種種改變(黃凡、張 大春、朱天心與張啟疆),第五個主題則以朱天文與朱天心姊妹的短篇作品探討世紀末都市生活中的消費文化。
By reading extensively the works of postwar Taiwan fiction in English translation, this course aims at exploring the urban experience as reflected in the Taiwan fiction from 1949 to the end of the 20th century. The focus, of course, should be Taipei, but we also include the Peking of Lin Hai-yin [林海音], the New York and Chicago of Pai Hsien-yung [白先勇], and the Kaohsiung of Yang Ch’ing-ch’u [楊青矗].
This course can be seen as divided into two parts. First, after the introduction after the first week, the first group of assigned readings include works of writers from different periods: Lin Hai-yin of the 50s (Memories of Peking), Pai Hsien-yung (Crystal Boys) of the Modernist 60s, Chen Ying-chen (the “Washington Building” series stories) and Huang Chun-ming (“The Young Widow”) of the Nativist-realist 70s, and Haung Fan (“Tung-pu Street” and “Rainy Night”) and Chang Ta-chun (“A Guided Tour of the Apartment Complex,” “Alley 116, Liaoning Street,” and Wild Kids) of the urban-fiction 80s.
The second group of readings focuses on five different themes, which are “the city and marriage,” “the city and labor,” “the city and politics,” “the city and compounds of military families,” and “the city and consumption.” The first theme explores city people’s problems of extramarital affairs and divorce, the second the problems the working class in the city faces, the third and fourth the political aspects of city life after the 1987 lift of martial law in Taiwan, and, finally, the fifth the consumption culture in the fin-de-siecle city. The writers included in this groups are Li Ang [李昂], the Chu sisters [朱天文與朱天心], Hsiao Sa [蕭颯], Yang Ch’ing-ch’u [楊青矗], and Chang Chi-jiang [張啟疆].


This course is a preliminary attempt to show the enrolled students some ways to appreciate how Taiwan fiction and postwar urban experience can be related from structural and thematic perspectives. Aside from the spatial structures inherent in the city (for example, the east-west division implied in Crystal Boys and the city-country division in the works of nativist-realism) and the socio-economic structures, what should be given due attention is how Taiwan can be compared and contrasted with other international cities in the process of modernization. Therefore, every city has a more comprehensive structure which is the so-called phenomenon of globalization.
Secondly, from a thematic perspective, it can be seen that, ever since “the city” became the main theme of European and Anglo-American fiction in the late 18th century, what Realism, Naturalism, Modernism and Post-modernism have tried to answer is no more than the question of “What is the city?” Therefore, through all the readings and discussions in class, students should be able to observe the relationship between the city and its people. How does the city affect the country? In what way people are influenced by the city? How the city people interact with one another? And what are the gender relationship, social classes, economic models, and political institutions formed by their interaction? This course will try to bring forth some tentative answers.


The students are required to participate actively in class discussions, so they should be able to finish the reading assignments for each week. All the enrolled students have to make two oral presentations in class, one before the midterm exam week, the other after it. This course is not only for foreign students, and the instructor encourages Taiwanese students to be a part of this course, so that they can develop their own capabilities in making presentations and writing academic essays in English.


1. 課堂參與 40% 課堂參與是評分之重要憑據,如無故缺課將影響成績。同學必須把每週之指定讀物唸完,以便參與討論。每週報告與課堂表現佔40%。
2. 期中報告 30% 期中報告之篇幅最少三張A4紙(單行間距,最多五張),以電腦打字方式完成。
3. 期中報告 30% 期中報告之篇幅最少三張A4紙(單行間距,最多五張),以電腦打字方式完成。
1. Class Participation 40% Class attendance is always important, and unexcused absences will affect grades. Students should try to answer the questions proposed by the instructor during class. (A list of questions will be prepared in advance.) Two oral presentations will be required during the semester.
2. Final Paper 30% All participants are required to submit midterm and final papers with the minimum length of 3 pages of typed A 4 paper (single-spaced, 5 pages maximum).
3. Midterm Paper 30% All participants are required to submit midterm and final papers with the minimum length of 3 pages of typed A 4 paper (single-spaced, 5 pages maximum).

In most cases, midterm and final papers are written on the basis of oral presentations, but the writing should follow the academic format with which the students are the most familiar (for example, MLA or APA).