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Taiwan Fiction and Postwar Urban Experience

Rong-Bin Chen (臺灣文學研究所)


本課程共 14 講,包含:
影片檔 14 個   教材檔 14 個   課程回饋

單元 1.Introductory Lecture
※ 若 YouTube 影片無法觀看,請點選 [NTU Video] 觀看

內容:Introductory Lecture   下載影音檔 [NTU video]
單元 2.Lin Hai-yin and Memories of Peking
單元 3.Death in Two American Cities: Pai Hsien-yung’s Chicago and New York
單元 4.The Exiles of the Crystal Boys: Pai Hsien-yung’s Taipei (1)
單元 5.The Exiles of the Crystal Boys: Pai Hsien-yung’s Taipei (2)
單元 6.Chen Ying-chen and the Washington Building Stories
單元 7.Huang Chun-ming and “Young Widow”
單元 8.Huang Fan and His “Social Problem” Urban Fiction
單元 9.Chang Ta-chun and the Wild Kids in the Urban World
單元 10.Thematic Explorations: The City and Marriage
單元 11.Thematic Explorations: The City and Labor
單元 12.Thematic Explorations: The City and Politics
單元 13.Thematic Explorations: The City and Military Family Compounds
單元 14.Thematic Explorations: The City and Consumption