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An Introduction to Postwar Taiwan Fiction

臺灣文學研究所 陳榮彬


英文課程名稱:An Introduction to Postwar Taiwan Fiction
學分數:3 學分
建立日期:2012 年 2 月


Concentrating on intensive and extensive readings of postwar Taiwan fiction in English translation, this course is designed to survey Taiwanese Literature from 1949 to the end of the 20th century. In this beginner-level course for the study of postwar Taiwan fiction, in order to understand the themes, styles and thoughts reflected in the texts, all participants will be asked to read, take notes, discuss, and, most importantly, make oral presentations of their own responses to and criticisms of the texts read weekly.
This course can be seen as divided into two major parts. After the first two introductory weeks, from Week 3 to 6, the assigned readings have been selected around the four major historical themes: that is, the 228 Incident, the 1949 Great Retreat, the Korean and Vietnamese Wars, and the Protect Diaoyutai Movement. From Week 7 through week 17, the readings have been selected according to certain criteria of "periodization," which tends to divide Taiwan's postwar literary development into the major parts like the "anti-communist" 50s, the Modernist 60s, the Nativist-realist 70s, and the 80s of the urban fiction. Besides the four periods above, we will also examine the rise of some major female writers like Li Ang, Yuan Ch'iung-ch'iung, Hsiao Sa, and the Chu Sisters.
In the last few weeks, the voices from the margin will be heard, and due attention will be paid to the Mahua (Malaysian Chinese), indigenous, and queer Taiwan writers, such as Li Y'ung-ping, Topas Tamapima, Chen Xue, and Wu Jiwen.
此一課程分成兩個部分。在期中考前,我們會把焦點擺在五本重量級的英譯臺灣小說選集,其編者(包括齊邦媛、劉紹銘與殷張蘭熙等人)都是把「來自臺灣的中國現代文學」介紹給英語讀者的重要幕後推手。除了這五本選集之外,期中考前的最後兩週我們將介紹臺灣現代主義世代的小說家們。課程的第二部分,以黃春明與陳映真兩位小說家為開端(兼論Rosemary Haddon編的鄉土小說選集《牛車》〔Oxcart: Nativist Stories from Taiwan, 1996〕一書),兼顧小說運動(或流派)與小說主題的探討。因此,我們將討論臺灣在地的「後現代主義」與「女性主義」,並且對於來自原住民、馬華與同性戀小說家的「邊緣發聲」給予應有的注意。