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An Introduction to Postwar Taiwan Fiction

Rong-Bin Chen (臺灣文學研究所)

Concentrating on intensive and extensive readings of postwar Taiwan fiction in English translation, ...

本課程共 15 講,包含:
影片檔 15 個   教材檔 15 個   課程回饋

單元 1.A Historical Introduction

內容:A Historical Introduction   下載影音檔
單元 2.From Nativist-realism to the Writers of the 80s, and Beyond
單元 3.History and Traumatized Lives - The Stories of Chen Ying-chen and Guo Song-fen
單元 4.The 1949 Great Retreat: Torn between the Two Worlds
單元 5.Wars against the Communitists: Taiwan behind the Scenes of the Korean and Vietnamese Wars
單元 6.Caught between Left and Right - The Protect Diaoyutai Islands Movement and Fiction Writing
單元 7.The Poetics of Diaspora and Nostalgia
單元 8.Re-inventing the History of the Republic
單元 9.The Arrival of Modernism
單元 10.Nativist-realist Stories of Fate: The Cases of Huang Chun-ming and Wang Chen-ho
單元 11.Three Female Writers of the Late 70s and Early 80s
單元 12.Lost in a Big City: Stories by Chang Ta-chun and Huang Fan
單元 13.The Chu Sisters: Love, Memories, and the City
單元 14.Voices from the Margin: Stories by Li Yongping Topas Tamapima
單元 15.Beyond the Heterosexual Framework: Stories by Wu Jiwen and Chen Xue