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園藝暨景觀學系 張育森、陳右人、杜宜殷、吳俊達、李國譚、羅筱鳳

1.Preece, J. E., P. E. Read.2005. The Biology of Horticulture: An Introductory Textbook, 2nd Edition. John Wiley&Sons, Inc., New Jersey, 514pp.(藝軒圖書公司代理:羅斯福路四段50號2樓之2 Tel: 23676824)

2.McMahon, M. J., A. M. Kofranek, and V. E. Rubatzky. 2002. Hartmann’s Plant Science 3rd ed., 573pp. (4th ed. 2007, 624pp.) Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.

3.Janick, J. 1986. Horticultural Science. 4th ed., 746pp. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.(本書有中文譯本:許仁宏、吳玉珍。2002。園藝學增訂版。701頁。徐氏文教基金會。台北)
