農經系 陳郁蕙
<初階>1. Moore S. &NotzW.(2006) Statistics: concepts and controversies 6th ed, Freeman. New York. U.S.
2. David S. Moore (2002)。統計學的世界。鄭惟厚譯。天下文化。臺北,臺灣。
3. Gonick L. & Smith W. (2003)。看漫畫學統計。鄭惟厚譯。天下文化。臺北,臺灣。
4. Gonick L. & Smith W. (1983) The Cartoon Guide to Statistics(1st ed.). HarperPerennial, New York. U.S.
5. Rumsey D. (2003) Statistics for Dummies (2nd ed.). Wiley Publishing, Inc. Indianapolis, U.S.
6. Donnelly, R.A., JR The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Statistics (2nd ed.). Alpha, New York. U.S.
7. 管中閔(2004)。統計學:觀念與方法。華泰出版。臺北,臺灣。
8. Bruce L. Bowerman, Richard T. O’Connell, Emily S. Murphree, Business Statistics in Practive, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Company,2017. (華泰)
9.Bereson, Levine, and Krehbiel, Business Statistics: Concepts and Application, 9th edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc, 2008.
10.Mann, P.S., Statistics for Business and Economics, John Wiely& Sons, New York, U.S.A, 1995.
11.Black, Ken, Applied Business Statistics, 7th edition update, Wiley Company, 2013.