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機械工程學系    楊宏智

1. General Introduction
2. Metal-Casting Processes
3. Forming and Shaping Processes and Equipment ...

本課程共 21 講,包含:
影片檔 21 個   參考資料 1 個  課程回饋

單元 1.General Introduction (1)
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內容:General Introduction (1)   下載影音檔 [NTU video]
單元 2.General Introduction (2)
單元 3.General Introduction (3)
單元 4.Chapter 2: Machanical Behavior, Testing and Manufacting Properties of Materials(1)
單元 5.Chapter 2: Machanical Behavior, Testing and Manufacting Properties of Materials (2)
單元 6.Chapter 2: Machanical Behavior, Testing and Manufacting Properties of Materials (3)
單元 7.Metal Casting Processes and Equipment (1)
單元 8.Metal Casting Processes and Equipment (2)
單元 9.Metal Casting Processes and Equipment (3)
單元 10.Metal Casting : Design, Materials and Economics
單元 11.Fatming and Shaping Processes and Equipment (1)
單元 12.Fatming and Shaping Processes and Equipment (2)
單元 13.Fatming and Shaping Processes and Euipment (3)
單元 14.Metal - Forging Processes and Equipments
單元 15.Metal Extrusion and Drawing Processes and Equipment
單元 16.Sheet - Metal Forming Processes and Equipment (1)
單元 17.Sheet - Metal Forming Processes and Equipment (2)
單元 18.Sheet - Metal Forming Processes and Equipment (3)
單元 19.Sheet - Metal Forming Processes and Equipment (4)
單元 20.Machining Processes and Machine Tools
單元 21.Cutting - Tool Materials and Cutting Fluids