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Introduction to the biodiversity of Taiwan
Jer-Ming Hu (生態學與演化生物學研究所)
This course is part of the "Exploring Taiwan" series courses at NTU and aimed for the introduction...
本課程共 13 講,包含:
影片檔 27 個
教材檔 10 個
單元 1.Introduction to biodiversity
內容:Introduction to biodiversity 下載影音檔
單元 2.Natural history and exploration in Taiwan
單元 3.Campus tour and TAI herbarium
單元 4.NTU Zoological museums - Yu-Teh Lin (林雨德)
單元 5.Lowland biota of Taiwan
單元 6.Mid to high altitude biota of Taiwan
單元 7.Life on intertidal regions - Benny Chen (陳國勤)
單元 8.Fauna of Taiwan - Yu-Teh Lin (林雨德)
單元 9.Dolphins and whales in Taiwan's water - Lien-Shiang Chou (周蓮香)
單元 10.Visit TFRI Insect Museum- Sheng-Shan Lu, Jung-Tai Chao (陸聲山、趙榮台)
單元 11.Plants and people
單元 12.Status of conservation biology in Taiwan
單元 13.Special topic: Yin and yang of plants