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Department of Mechanical Engineering I-Fan Lin (林以凡)


授課教師:I-Fan Lin (林以凡)
學分數:2 學分
開課單位:Department of Mechanical Engineering
建立日期:2022 年 9 月


This course is designed to give you an introduction to engineering mechanics in static systems. Statics deals with two- and three-dimensional systems of particles and rigid bodies in static equilibrium. Additional topics include concentrated and distributed forces, centers of gravity and centroids, and moments of inertia. Special attention is devoted to forces in frames, structures, beams, and cables. For many of you, this will be your first engineering course. In fields such as mechanical or civil engineering, statics is indispensable in the design and analysis of structures that must hold their shape while bearing a load or performing a task where dynamic forces (forces arising from acceleration of the system) are absent or negligible.


The objective of this course is that by the end of the semester, you will have

  • learned to define and use vectors to describe position, forces and moments
  • understood and used the vector operations: addition, subtraction, dot and cross product
  • developed free body diagrams of a particle and rigid body
  • developed an understanding of static equilibrium and stresses in statically-determinate structures and how to apply them to engineering systems;
  • learned a systematic approach to problem solving;
  • fostered effective mathematical and graphical communication skills;
  • been able to apply these principles and techniques to rigid structures of importance in engineering.


1. Class Participation: 10%. Attend the class and have discussions with your classmates/group for some class exercises. Also be active in class by asking questions, solving the class exercises on the blackboard.
2. Quiz: 20%. There will be a fifteen-minute quiz from 10:05 am to 10:20 am before each lecture. In each quiz, you will solve one or two questions chosen from our exercises and sample problems in the lecture notes. Quizzes are closed-book, closed-notes. No electronics, including cell phones, or smart watches are allowed. But using a calculator is accepted and encouraged.
3. Midterms: 40% (20% each). There are two mid-term exams in this course.Mid-terms are closed-book, closed-notes. No electronics, including cell phones, or smart watches are allowed. But using a calculator is accepted and encouraged. Mid-terms will be used to access demonstration of the learning objectives and may include the combinations of true & false and work-out problems.
4. Final: 30%. The final is closed-book, closed-note. No electronics, including cell phones, and smart watches are allowed. But using a calculator is accepted and encouraged. The final is cumulative and may include the combinations of true & false and work-out problems.