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NTU Open Forum for New Intellectuals: Yin Hai-guang and Liberalism


本課程共 8 講,包含:
影片檔 8 個   課程回饋

單元 1.Yin Hai-guang as a Model of Intellectuals: Thoughts on Civil Society (Ku Chung-hwa)

內容:Yin Hai-guang as a Model of Intellectuals: Thoughts on Civil Society (Ku Chung-hwa)  (本影音檔不提供下載)
單元 2.Ideology Transition of Yin Hai-guang and his Interpretation of the History of the May Fourth Movement (Pan Kuang-che)
單元 3.Yin Hai-guang on Freedom (Carl K. Y. Shaw)
單元 4.Yin Hai-guang on Democracy (Chien Yeong-shyang)
單元 5.Yin Hai-guang on Tradition and Modernity (Ho Hsin-chuan)
單元 6.Yin Hai-guang on Responsibility of Intellectuals: Intellectuals as the Eyes of Age (Ko Ching-ming)
單元 7.Yin Hai-guang on Science and Thinking Methods (Chen Ruey-lin)
單元 8.Yin Hai-guang and Philosophical Foundations of Liberalism (Hsieh Shih-min)