外國語文學系 梁欣榮
英文課程名稱:Survey of Selected Western Classics
學分數:2 學分
建立日期:2013 年 9 月
This course is made up of a series of 2-hour lectures by Western literature specialists for a general audience. The goal is to introduce some of the most popular authors and texts to those who are interested in how Western thoughts and civilization are represented in literature and in the Bible. Each lecture, except the introductory one, will focus on a major author or group of texts. Instructors will lecture on the social and historical background of the authors, examine the impact of their writing on civilization in general and on the literary curriculum, and examine the reception of their works across time and space. Students will gain a general understanding of the authors and be able to talk about the meaning and the importance of the texts. They will also learn to appreciate and critique literature via guided analyses of some of the best samples. This lecture series especially complements the curriculum of non-humanities majors, allowing them to gain some insight into the brightest minds in the creative industry. Since the series is lecture-centered, students are strongly urged to come to each and every class. Attendance is mandatory. Students are also encouraged to ask questions and challenge the instructors and their peers. A literature background or critical theory training is not required.
The goal of this course is to introduce some of the most popular authors and texts to those who are interested in how Western thoughts and civilization are represented in literature and in the Bible.
1. This is a team-taught introductory seminar. Attendance is absolutely mandatory. Your grade will suffer if you have three or more than three absences.
2. This is a lecture-based seminar. Instructors may or may not give written assignments. You are responsible for completing and turning in all assignments on time.
3. The language of instruction is Mandarin Chinese, although instructors can choose to teach in English.
4. The entire seminar will be video recorded. The University may ask you to sign some papers.
5. Instructors will prepare handouts and slide presentations.
6. Individual instructors can choose to assign or not to assign grades for their own classes.
7. There will be a final exam or a term paper.