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Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy

Masayuki Sato (哲學所)

The course provides a contextual and evolutionary account for how various Chinese classical thoughts...

本課程共 14 講,包含:
影片檔 14 個   教材檔 14 個   課程回饋

單元 1.(9/26) (1) Introduction to the course and instructor
(2) Distribution of reading assignments

內容:(9/26) (1) Introduction to the course and instructor
(2) Distribution of reading assignments   下載影音檔
單元 2.(10/3) What is Chinese Philosophy?
單元 3.(10/17) Intellectual Foundation for Chinese Philosophy
單元 4.(10/24) Political Origin of Chinese Philosophy and Confucianism
單元 5.(10/31) Confucius and the Analects
單元 6.(11/7) The Rise of Mohism: An Emulation of Ethical Discourse: The Book of Mozi
單元 7.(11/14) The Culmination of Ethical Discourse: The Book of Mencius
The topic of mid-term paper is announced.
單元 8.(11/21) The Great Intellectual Transformation: The Jixia Thinkers
單元 9.(11/28) The Crystallization of the Concept of the Way: The Book of Laozi
Deadline of mid-term paper
單元 10.(12/5) The Philosophy of Transformation and Oneness: The Book of Zhuangzi
單元 11.(12/12) The Establishment of the Theory of Moral Cultivation: The Book of Xunzi (I)
單元 12.(12/19) Theory of Moral Cultivation: The Book of Xunzi (II)
單元 13.(12/26) The Psychology of Politics and a Search for Power: The Book of Hanfeizi
單元 14.(1/2) Conclusion: The End of Classical Age and the Philosophy for the World Empire