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經濟學系    林明仁


本課程共 40 講,包含:
影片檔 40 個   教材檔 40 個   課程回饋

單元 1.Introduction
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內容:Introduction   下載影音檔 [NTU video]
單元 2.Ten principles of Economics (1-4)
單元 3.Ten principles of Economics (5-10)
單元 4.微積分
單元 5.Supply and Demand (I) (Ch.4)
單元 6.Supply and Demand (II) (Ch.4)
單元 7.Elasticity and its Application (Ch.5)
單元 8.Supply, Demand, and Government Policies (Ch.6)
單元 9.Efficiency of Markets (Ch.7)
單元 10.The Costs of Taxation (Ch.8)
單元 11.International Trade (Ch.9)
單元 12.The Costs of Production (Ch.13)
單元 13.Firms in Competitive Market (Ch.14)
單元 14.Monopoly (Ch.15)
單元 15.Monopolistic Competition (Ch.16)
單元 16.Oligopoly (Ch.17)
單元 17.The Market For the Factors of the Production (Ch.18)
單元 18.Earnings and Discrimination (Ch.19)
單元 19.Externalities (I) (Ch.10)
單元 20.Externalities (II) (Ch.10)
單元 21.Public Goods and Common Resources (Ch.11)
單元 22.Income Inequality and Poverty (I) (Ch.20)
單元 23.Income Inequality and Poverty (II) (Ch.20)
單元 24.The Theory of Consumer Choice (I) (Ch.21)
單元 25.The Theory of Consumer Choice (II) (Ch.21)
單元 26.Frontiers of Microeconomics (Ch.22)
單元 27.Measuring a Nation's Income (I) (Ch.23)
單元 28.Measuring a Nation's Income (II) (Ch.23) & Measuring the Cost of Living (Ch.24)
單元 29.Production and Growth (I) (Ch.25)
單元 30.Production and Growth (II) (Ch.25)
單元 31.Production and Growth (III) - 經濟成長模型 (Ch.25)
單元 32.Saving, Investment, and the Financial System (Ch.26)
單元 33.The Basic Tools of Finance (Ch.27)
單元 34.Unemployment (Ch.28)
單元 35.The Monetary System (Ch.29)
單元 36.Money Growth and Inflation (Ch.30)
單元 37.Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts (Ch.31)
單元 38.Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply (I) (Ch.33)
單元 39.Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply (II) (Ch.33)
單元 40.The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand (Ch.34)