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工程數學 - 複變
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工程數學 - 複變

電機工程學系    陳士元

Complex numbers, complex functions, complex integral, complex series, residue theorem and applicatio...

本課程共 14 講,包含:
影片檔 14 個   教材檔 17 個   參考資料 1 個  課程回饋

單元 1.Introduction & Chapter 17. Functions of a Complex Variabe (1)
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內容:Introduction & Chapter 17. Functions of a Complex Variabe (1)   下載影音檔 [NTU video]
單元 2.Chapter 17. Functions of a Complex Variabe (2)
單元 3.Chapter 17. Functions of a Complex Variabe (3)
單元 4.Chapter 18. Integration in the Complex Plane (1)
單元 5.Chapter 18. Integration in the Complex Plane (2)
單元 6.Chapter 18. Integration in the Complex Plane (3) & Chapter 19. Series and Residues (1)
單元 7.Chapter 19. Series and Residues (2)
單元 8.Chapter 19. Series and Residues (3)
單元 9.Chapter 19. Series and Residues (4)
單元 10.Chapter 19. Series and Residues (5)
單元 11.Chapter 19. Series and Residues (6)
單元 12.Chapter 20. Conformal Mappings (1)
單元 13.Chapter 20. Conformal Mappings (2)
單元 14.Chapter 20. Conformal Mappings (3)