英語語音學 (含發音練習) 一
- 資源下載
- Class Overview
- First Peek into the World of Phonetics
- The Vocal Tract and Places of Articulation
- Speech Production and Sound Waves
- Sound Waves, and Consonants: Place of Articulation (I)
- Consonants: Place of Articulation (II)
- Consonants: Manner of Articulation
- Waveforms of Consonants
- The Articulation of Vowel Sounds
- The Sounds of Vowels; Suprasegmentals
- Wrapping up Chapter One
- Chapter Two: Phonology and Phonetic Transcription (I)
- Phonology and Phonetic Transcription (II)
- Transcribing English Sounds
- Wrapping up Chapter Two
- Exercises for Chapter Two
- English Stop Consonants
- English Stop Consonants (II)
- More on English Consonants
- Overlapping Gestures
- Allophonic Rules for English Consonants and Diacritics
- Words in Connected Speech (I) and Exercises for Chapter Three
- Words in Connected Speech (II) and Stress
- Test on Chapter Three; Chapter 5 : Word Stress
- Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation
- Wrapping up Chapter Five
- Diving into Vowels
- Chapter Five Exercises
- Chapter Three Test Corrections and Transcribing Mandarin in IPA
- Diphthongs and Rhotic Vowels
- Wrapping up Chapter Four and Christmas Carols
- Chapter Four Exercises
- Transcribing Mandarin in IPA (II)

本月點閱|4,692 次
授課日期|2012 年 9 月
Karen Steffen Chung (史嘉琳)
本課程共 33 講| 33
本作品除另有註明外,採創用 CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」3.0 臺灣版授權釋出。
This course is designed to train future English teachers and translators in the phonetics and correct pronunciation of standard American English. It will offer a solid grounding in phonetic theory, but the main emphasis will be on sharpening students' sensitivity to the sounds of language, and on actual practice, mainly through oral reading of the textbook. Each student will keep a pronunciation journal to record problem areas of pronunciation, and will be expected to take class notes on material not covered in the textbook. A significant portion of the work for this class will be done online independently. A test will usually be given after completing each chapter of the text to review and solidify the material covered, and there will be a weekly dictation, to sharpen listening and IPA transcription skills. Various written assignments will be given, including exercises from the text and class projects.
To learn about general phonetic principles; to learn how the sounds of English are produced and perceived, and to thereby improve one's English pronunciation and become better able to teach accurately pronounced English to others; to deepen understanding and appreciation of language and linguistic phenomena.
Please see Karen Chung's homepage at:
Grades for the course will be based on class participation, written work and projects, oral presentations, dictations, chapter tests, a final exam, attendance, progress made, and attitude.
Ladefoged, Peter & Keith Johnson. 2011. A Course in Phonetics, 6th international edition, with CD. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 322pp. Paper. Available at Crane's 文鶴.
Please see Karen Chung's homepage at: