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Molecular Evolution
Chau-Ti Ting (生命科學系)
This course is designed for undergraduate level students who are interested in molecular evolution o...
本課程共 12 講,包含:
影片檔 12 個
教材檔 12 個
單元 1.Introduction. History of Molcular Evolution.
單元 2.Dynamics of genes in population
單元 3.Evolutionary changes in sequences
單元 4.Rates and patterns of substitution Ⅰ
單元 5.Rates and patterns of substitution Ⅱ
單元 6.Signature of selection at the molecular level
單元 7.Phylogenetic inference Ⅰ (Dr. Jer-Ming Hu)
單元 8.Phylogenetic inference Ⅱ (Dr. Jer-Ming Hu)
單元 9.Laboratory practice (Dr. Jer-Ming Hu)
單元 10.Horizontal gene transfer (Dr. Jer-Ming Hu)
單元 11.Genomic expansion by gene duplication (Prof. Chan-ti Ting)
單元 12.The evolution of sex chromosome (Prof. Chan-ti Ting)